Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Spotlight ~*~ Two Are Better Than One by Suzanne Rock

Book Description:
Quinn and Declan enjoy having sex together, but love sharing a woman more.

After months of searching, they’ve lost hope of ever finding a permanent third to complete them.

Then they meet shy, reclusive Hannah and everything changes. The sexual energy between them is incredible and the men soon realize that no other woman will do. They decide to confront her at the department’s summer kick-off party.

Will the straight-laced Hannah be open to a three-way relationship? They’ll have to do everything they can to convince her that two men are better than one.

Excerpt ~*~
“Did you find her?”

Hannah stopped walking as she recognized Declan’s voice.

“No. I looked everywhere.”

Quinn. Hannah knelt down behind the dune and angled herself until both men came into view. The setting sun cast a red-orange halo around them both, creating a beautiful, romantic picture.

“Damn Greg.” Quinn fisted his hands. “He’s such an ass.”

“I never liked him,” Declan agreed. “Now he’s scared off Hannah and I’m not sure if we’ll ever find her.”

Hannah stared at the men. They were looking for her?

“I’d love to punch his face in.” The normally jovial Quinn slammed his fist in his palm.

“Come now, you know violence isn’t the answer.” Declan sighed. “I just wish I knew if Hannah was all right.”

“You don’t believe that she had sex with Greg, do you?”

“I don’t think anyone believes him. He’s an ass, remember?”

Quinn shook his head. “I’m worried about her.”

“Me too.”

“If only we weren’t running late. We could have stopped it.”

Hannah stood and was about to reveal herself when she saw Declan reach out for Quinn. She hunched back down behind a sand dune and watched as Declan wrapped his arms around Quinn’s shoulders. The act was gentle and affectionate. Soothing. It seemed almost as if he was consoling a lover.

Desire sparked in her lower abdomen. She imagined herself between the two men, their hard, naked bodies pressed up against her like in one of her erotic novels. She had never participated in a three-way, but she guessed that with Declan and Quinn it would be so much more intimate than what she had read about, more intense. To be surrounded by all of that warm skin, to feel their hands and lips on her body, would be like a dream come true.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Declan hooked his finger under Quinn’s chin and raised his head to meet his gaze. Then he closed the distance between them and covered his lips.

They were…kissing? Hannah gasped and put her hand over her mouth. They were lovers? A hollowness formed in the pit of her stomach. She was such a fool to think that they’d be interested in her. Damn Becky for putting the thought in her head. Declan and Quinn were lovers—lovers! Tears once again stung her eyes and a sob escaped her throat.

Declan broke the kiss and pulled back from Quinn. “Did you hear that?”

Quinn stepped out of his lover’s embrace. “There’s someone here.”

Hannah stood and turned to go.

“Wait—don’t leave.” Quinn’s voice rose up from the dunes.

Hannah closed her eyes. Could this evening get any worse? She couldn’t run away now. She’d have to talk to them. Hannah decided she’d be curt and quick, then get out of there and go home as soon as possible.

Hannah had let Becky give her hope for something more than a life of seclusion, and now she was paying the price. Hannah was better off with her cat and her erotic novels.

It was best to get this over with as quickly as possible. Slowly she turned around.

Both men started moving toward her.

“Hannah,” Declan was faster than Quinn and reached her first. “My God, we were worried about you.”

“Were you?” Hannah looked from Declan to Quinn. “Just now you were kissing. You couldn’t have been that worried.” Hannah winced at the men’s stunned expressions and immediately regretted her words. She held up her hands between them. “I mean, it’s none of my business—”

“You saw that?” Quinn asked.

Declan took a step forward. “Did it disgust you?” He took another step. “Scare you?”

“A little.” She shook her head. “I mean it didn’t disgust me. I just didn’t know that you two…” She waved her hands in the air between them.

“We are lovers, yes.” Declan stopped and held his hands out at his sides. “Does that bother you?”

“No. Yes.” She sighed and dropped her hands. “I don’t know.”

“There’s more,” Quinn said.


Declan glanced at Quinn, and then refocused his attention to her. “We like kissing each other, but we find it much more erotic to both be kissing another woman.”

“Much more erotic,” Quinn said as he stepped closer.

About the Author Suzanne Rock: 
A lifetime New Englander, Suzanne married her college sweetheart and has been with him for over twenty years.

Every summer she drags her husband and two daughters to Maine on a quest for the perfect lobster dinner. Every fall she can be found down in Foxboro, Massachusetts cheering on her favorite football team.

In between those trips, she’s a chauffer, a maid, a chef, an event planner, a hairdresser, a wardrobe stylist, a tutor and a sometimes masseuse.

To keep her sanity, she often drinks copious amounts of coffee and stares at the blank screen of her laptop, dreaming of great adventures. Sometimes she even writes them down for others to enjoy.

Suzanne loves hearing from her fans, and can be contacted through her website:

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