Blurb ~*~
Kate O'Hara can't wait until this temp assignment is over. The woman who hired her is a psychotic pageant queen, her coworkers are convicts-turned-clerks, and it's so boringly corporate it makes her skin crawl. Even her sexy-as-sin boss, famed billionaire Thomas Kestrel, isn't enticement enough to keep her there. Once she makes enough to pay off her bills, she's out. Or so she thinks...
Next thing she knows, she's accidentally signed over her soul. Literally. And she's discovered Thomas's real mission: to kill thirteen bad guys in one year, in order to get his—now his and Kate’s—souls back.
From learning to boost the morale of some paper-pushing demons to navigating her way through blood-red tape, Kate has to work closely with her super-hot supervisor and get her flaky act together, before somebody clocks her out—permanently!
Available ~*~ eBook
Pages ~*~ 254
Review ~*~ 4 Stars
4 Star Review ~*~
Temping is Hell comes awfully close to a true story for someone who has done quite a bit of temp work. I think that's what interested me in the story in the first place. This story will make you laugh as you discover the amazing cast of characters. As the first book in the Necessary Evil series, it is a great kick off. I am looking forward to what else is going to happen to this group and there are a lot of possibilities.
Kate has held over fifteen jobs in eight years! Now, this hippie do-gooder is stuck working in corporate America for a company called Fiendish of all things! Nothing good can come of this. As she meets her co-workers, things get stranger and stranger. The owner of the company is hot, her boss is a crazy bitch, her co-workers are just unusual and the expectations for this job are out of this world.
Kate is one of my favorite characters in a long time. She has no filter when he comes to saying what she's thinking and you will laugh, wishing you could say what she does at work. While her crazy bitch of a boss is horrible to work for, I loved her as a character! She puts just the right twists in everything ~ even if she isn't the smartest tool in the shed. The owner of the company, Thomas, while hot has a few issues that need to be dealt with and he isn't sure how to deal with them so he is character that kind of grows on you in a good way. And then there is Slim, another favorite character that I will let you read about on your own ;) There are a lot of supporting characters who, I am sure, will have more play in future books and I can't wait.
Temping is Hell is cute, funny, and all around surprising. It's nice to read something fresh that will make a reader laugh (a lot) and still give us some twists, turns, and great characters. While there is a little romance and a happy for now ending, there is an awful lot yet to come so don't expect any complete closure from Temping is Hell.
Now, I don't always share a quote/snippet because I just read too many books to remember all of my favorites. But, this one stands out and I wanted to share :) During a press conference at work, Kate has to speak to reporters - here is her response to a typical, invasive, reporter question...
“So what you’re really asking is,” she said slowly, “am I banging my boss because I appear to have no other marketable skills, and he’s got a history of hooking up with his secretaries?”
There was a communal gasp, and Thomas felt his heart stop as his hand reflexively went up to cover his face.
Oh, Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Yup. It could definitely get worse.
As always, pick up Temping is Hell or try one of Cathy Yardley's other books below...
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